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CFV is A Vital Step for

Emissions and ESG Success

The United Nations' climate experts,
the IPCC, have issued a stark
if we don't limit global temperature rise to below 1.5°C
in the next 20 years, we'll face an increase in extreme events

like heatwaves, heavy rains, droughts, and wildfires.
These events will jeopardize global energy, water resources, food security, and housing. In response to this pressing challenge, nations have come to a consensus with the goal of achieving "Net Zero Emissions by 2050," all in an effort to curb the worsening effects of global warming.

Global Net Zero Policy in Full Swing








The Climate Change Response Act was legislated.

Listed companies with a capitalization

of over 10 billion, as well as the steel and cement industries, must initiate CFV.


Listed companies with a capitalization

below 5 billion initiate CFV.


Listed companies with a capitalization

between 5 and 10 billion initiate CFV.


Listed companies with a capitalization

between 5 and 10 billion initiate CFV.


On October, CBAM trial begins - importers

are required to submit carbon emissions-related data, but no fees are imposed.


CBAM officially implemented -

importers must declare the carbon

emissions of their products and purchase

a "CBAM certificate" from the EU to

pay for the carbon emissions of their

products. (Initially applies to 5 emissions-intensive industries:cement, steel,

aluminum, fertilizers, and electricity.)


CBAM fully implemented and expanded to other industries.


The UN adopted the 'Paris Agreement'

to limit carbon emissions

in order to mitigate the effects of global warming.

As of the present

Over 130 countries have pledged the

"Net Zero Emissions by 2050"


All listed companies.


All newly sold cars must be zero carbon emissions types.

Having CFV Is a
Necessary Market Entry Strategy

To accurately evaluate greenhouse gas emissions and adhere to forthcoming EU and global import regulations, a comprehensive CFV program becomes essential.


What is CFV?

Carbon Footprint Verification (CFV) is a process designed to confirm and validate the accuracy of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data and claims made by individuals, organizations, or products.

CFV aims to provide assurance that reported carbon footprint calculations are reliable and contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thereby mitigating the impact of climate change.


The key components
of CFV include

Data Collection

Collecting data related to energy consumption, production processes, and transportation to identify the sources of carbon emissions.


Employing standardized methodologies and emission factors to quantify the carbon footprint accurately.


Examining the carbon footprint results to pinpoint primary emission sources and uncover potential opportunities for carbon reduction.

Action Plan

Utilizing these assessments to formulate effective carbon reduction strategies and establish targets for minimizing emissions to the greatest extent possible.


Regularly updating the data to monitor changes in the carbon footprint and making necessary adjustments to ensure the achievement of carbon reduction goals.


Why is CFV So Important?

  • Raising Awareness:

It enables people to comprehend how their actions, production methods, and consumption affect the climate. Carbon footprint data fosters a deeper understanding of the scale of climate change issues, prompting proactive responses.


  • Monitoring Progress:

Carbon footprint verification enables governments, businesses, and organizations to track emissions for regulatory compliance, aiding Paris Agreement emission reduction goals.


  • Climate Change Mitigation:

Carbon footprint verification identifies emissions sources and devises strategies to combat global warming effects.


Tailored for Businesses
Comprehensive High Performance Servers
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Tesla Carbon Credit
Sales Reach Record
$1.78 Billion in 2022

A comprehensive CFV helps businesses gain a clearer understanding of their emissions and effectively manage carbon credits. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, companies not only reduce the cost of purchasing carbon offset credits, but also have the opportunity to sell excess allowances on the carbon market, thereby increasing revenue.


In August 2023, the Taiwan Carbon Credit Exchange was established, and it is expected to commence domestic and international carbon credit transactions in 2024. This means Taiwan joins the global carbon market, introducing new dynamics to businesses' net-zero strategies.


Through CFV, businesses can ensure compliance with ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) standards and actively implement emission reduction measures to address the challenges of climate change.


Simultaneously, investors can utilize this information to evaluate the sustainability of their investments and support companies engaged in net-zero, achieving dual financial and environmental returns.

Hence, CFV is not only a key to achieve climate goals but also an indispensable part of fulfilling ESG objectives.

Acquiring an understanding of how to conduct CFV can contribute significantly to safeguarding our planet.


Now is the time to get CFV Service
and join the global climate action movement.

Net Zero Emissions

When the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) released into the atmosphere is equal to the amount removed or offset, resulting in no net increase in emissions. Also known as “Carbon Neutrality”.

Carbon Trading

The buying and selling of carbon credits or allowances in a market.

Carbon Fee

A charge imposed on carbon emissions, typically intended to discourage greenhouse gas production and promote cleaner practices.

Carbon Footprint

The total amount of direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by each stage of a product or service's lifetime.

Carbon Neutrality

Achieving a balance between emitted greenhouse gases and those removed or offset, resulting in no net emissions. Also known as “Net Zero Emissions”.

Carbon Tax

A cost imposed on businesses and individuals that functions like a 'pollution tax,' designed to reduce emissions by raising the cost of activities that involve carbon.

Carbon Credits

A permit which allows a country or organization to produce a certain amount of carbon emissions and which can be traded if the full allowance is not used.

Carbon Sink

A forest, ocean, or other natural environment viewed in terms of its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, a policy or mechanism that may impose carbon-related fees or regulations on imported goods to ensure they meet the same environmental standards as domestically produced products.

Toontec Solutions Co., Ltd

4F., No. 58, Zhouzi St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan

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